Riding Etiquette & Rules

Riding Rules

  • There is no INSIDE PASSING allowed from TIP-IN point to APEX.  
  • You must also observe designated no passing areas.  These are only used when we feel the risk is just too high in a particular corner.  No passing areas will be identified at the rider’s meeting and in classrooms.  No excuses.  
  • No stunt riding (wheelies, stoppies, etc.) is allowed on track or in the pits.  As soon as one wheel leaves the ground, other riders cannot predict where you are going or how fast. 


Rider Etiquette

Cyclesmith strives to create an atmosphere of cooperative learning.  This means we are riding TOGETHER, not against each other.  

  • Similar to downhill skiing, it is the responsibility of the faster rider to make a SAFE pass.  To do this, it is the passers responsibility to go off the line, get around safely, and then move back onto the line.  The rider being passed should not be affected in any way. leave plenty of space between riders.
  • This is a non-competitive environment.  If you get passed, do not immediately try to repass that rider.  Give them a few corners to see if their pace is faster than yours.
  • If you see another rider break the rules, please do not chase them down on track or in the pits.  Talk to a staff member first.  We will help address the issue with the offending rider.
  • Ride with the group best matched to your skill and experience.  If you would like to change groups, ask an instructor for a quick skills assessment.  Be open to feedback.  If you are asked to move up or down a group, there is always a good reason.


Be reasonable.  If you are unable to listen to staff and other riders and adjust your riding behavior, you will be asked to leave and may be banned from future events.


Here are some tips for deciding which group you should be in, and then at the bottom there is a link to the passing rules for each track.


  • Designed for beginner riders (all first time track riders must start in this group)
  • If you’re still getting the hang of cornering, this is the group for you
  • Passing should be done with care giving the other rider plenty of space.  10 feet between bikes (2 bike lengths) is a good minimum


  • Designed for intermediate track riders
  • You should be comfortable taking corners and ride your bike with confidence
  • You are becoming more comfortable with passing and being passed
  • You are starting to plan passes in known passing zones


  • Designed for experienced track riders
  • Riders in this group should be very comfortable taking corners, as well as hard acceleration and braking
  • You are comfortable with other riders being in close proximity and do not get “spooked” when passed
  • You are planning passes a few corners ahead


  • Designed for EXPERT riders who are comfortable with a very fast pace on a consistent line
  • You are very comfortable with other riders being in close proximity and do not get “spooked” when passed
  • You understand that the rules have to be more fluid at this pace but can show control if a pass gets too late