Club Motorsports 2024

Yes, we are going to Club Motorsports!

We are so overwhelmed with your response to our event. Thank you! Because of limited numbers, we are shutting down our interest page for now. Once we have more details, we will release them.

We are very excited to be making our first ever trip to Club Motorsports in Tamworth, NH. Join us as we learn this 2.5 mile track that has 15 turns and over 250 feet of elevation. Nestled in the mountains of New Hampshire, this track offers spectacular views and lots of smiles.

This event will have a lower number of riders and we will run 3 groups at 20 minutes per session!  As such, the day will have special pricing and will not be eligible for member discounts. There will be no camping at the track, but we will share info on local camping soon.  For this first event, we are asking the people have track experience.

Right now, as we figure out a few details, we are taking a list of interested names. This list will have 24 hours access to sign up before we release it to everyone. If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected].